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How to Have Confident Body Language? 10 Tips for Body Language

 How to Have Confident Body Language? 10 Tips for Body Language


In this article, I’m going to share some secret tips on how to have confident body language. For an effective personality, it is important to master effective body language.

Do you know the power of confident body language? Every one of us wants to be impressive but a small number of people know the role of confident body language to achieve that goal.

Likely, the majority of people I used to think the words we speak are important until I realized the power of confident body language.

Even, if you have good knowledge but you don’t know how to express will be useless.

Communication is not about just exchanging words but the ways you express those words are more important. And there comes the role of effective body language.

Without a soul human body is dead, in the same way, communication is dead without body language. Body language is the soul of communication.

You might observe when you start a conversation with someone; you read his/her body language first.

The reason is that your body language says a lot about you. From your body language, the person in front of you can understand your feelings.

Body language refers to the behaviors of the body or the way the body behaves.

ways to have confident body language


Why is Confident Body Language Important?

Effective body language is more important for effective communication. And communication is a vital life skill.

Generally speaking, people with good body language connect with others quickly and easily.

Mastering and improving your body language take your communication skills to the next level.

It helps you to understand the feelings of others through their body language.

If you can read the body language of someone, it means you can read his/her mind.

The spoken words can be manipulated to a certain extent but the body language can’t be manipulated easily.

Your body language is a non-verbal part of communication. You can imagine the importance;

  • 7% Words
  • 38% Vocal
  • 55% Body language

Body language makes up to 55% of the whole communication.

It is not only important in your personal life, but in your professional life as well.

For example, to succeed in an interview it is important to have effective body language.

Or to give a presentation without effective use of body language will be ineffective.


Impacts of Poor Body Language

Poor body language leads to poor communication. Poor or ineffective communication represents a poor personality.

It affects your personal life as well as your professional career. It has a negative impact on your confidence and self-esteem.

It causes stress and frustration while interacting with people because stress affects your self-esteem.

Low confident body language makes you de-motivate, less energetic, and less focused.


10 Ways to Have Confident Body Language

To be successful it is vital to improving your body language. It improves your personality and makes you confident.

With a conscious effort, it is possible to improve your body language and that can make you feel better.

Here, I’m sharing the top 10 tips to improve your body language that make you more attractive and stupendous:

There are four elements of body language:

  1. Gesture
  2. Posture
  3. Expression
  4. Flow (Alignment of words with body language)


1. Expansion: Covering More Space

Expansion is a very important body language behavior. An individual with an expanded body seems confident and communicates effectively.

Expansion doesn’t mean to become an arrogant person but it means gentle body expansion.

A reasonable body expansion can help to reduce the stress level that can make you happy and confident.

The expansion also refers, to taking more space while standing or sitting. When you do this, it shows you are confident and important.

On the other hand, a stressful mind can cause a contracted body that can result in less confidence.

In daily routines, if you note most of the time your shoulders are not straight. I think this is one of the reasons for not having body expansion.

You can observe the body language of leaders and public speakers. When they stand or sit, they keep their legs and arms wide covering more space. And that makes them confident and dominant.

With proper practice, you can overcome this problem to get the goal of an expanded body.

You can practice by standing back towards a wall for a while. If you do this on regular basis, it can help you to have a confident and expanded body.


2. Position of Feet

Feet’s position is very important in judging the body language of someone.

If you’re talking to someone and the direction of your feet is in opposite direction, it means you want to avoid that person and try to find an escape.

You can understand easily from the direction of someone’s feet while interacting or communicating.

If a person’s feet’s position towards you, it means that person wants to talk or communicate.


3. Role of Hands

When it comes to the body language you can’t ignore the importance of hands.

If I’m not wrong, hands are the parts of your body that are used the most in communication.

In conversation, always try to keep hands clear and visible. And don’t try to hide them by keeping in pockets or folding them.

Many people when they are nervous touch their nose or face and that is a sign of weak body language. You can easily judge an individual’s feelings from the hands’ movements.

To make your body language effective use your hands’ movements in a way that can be seen by the person interacting with you.

Use of hands in communication should be reasonable and moderate. Otherwise too much can spoil the effectiveness of your body language.

So, for confident body language, it is essential to know how to use your hands in communication or conversation.


4. Torso (Human Body’s Trunk)

Torso also plays an important role in body language effectiveness. As discussed earlier your torso should be expanded that make you confident and attractive.

Apart from that, it shouldn’t be covered or invisible. Many people when they are nervous try to cover their torso by folding hands and that is a clear sign of ineffective body language.

If you want to establish a new connection with someone or to have an important meeting, or want to create a good impression, never hide your torso.

Some people use handbags to cover their torso. And some people use documents or files for hiding torso.

Therefore, for confident body language never try to cover your torso to create a good impression.


5. Smile: Facial Expressions

When it comes to facial expressions, you can’t underestimate the power of a smile.

A smile makes your face beautiful and more attractive. When you give a gentle smile, it can make others feel that you’re a confident and happier person.

A smile can be a good gesture to establish a connection with the person in front of you.

A smile is an ornament that doesn’t make paying anything. In fact, it helps you to connect with people quite easily.

Generally, I have seen that people avoid others with bad facial expressions or straight faces.

To establish positive relationships with others, you will have to work on your smile. You will have to make the smile as a way of life.

With a gentle smile, you become unforgettable and remembered by the people.


6. Eye Contact

Do you know how important maintaining eye contact in communication is?

It seems useless to have gentle eye contact with people during conversations but in reality, it improves the effectiveness of communication.

Having eye contact with others in conversations shows that you’re interested and comfortable.

If you focused too much on someone’s eye and it feels intimidating, then try to look and focus on the triangle. Triangle consists of the eyes and nose.

And another thing you can do is you can shift your focus from eyes from time to time for a while.

Maintaining too much or too little eye contact can be a sign of ineffective communication. Maintaining around 60% eye contact can be considered reasonable.

Proper eye contact helps in establishing a good connection and relationship.

Understanding eye contact can help you to understand the person you’re communicating with. If a person is looking right, left, down, or up it means that person is manipulating something.

The eye movements say a lot about what is going on inside. And the person is hiding something.

So, it is extremely important to master how to maintain non-intimidating eye contact in conversations.


7. No Fidgeting

The dictionary definition of fidget or fidgeting is, making small movements particularly of hands or feet, when an individual nervous, impatient, or uneasy.

Fidgeting in conversations spoils your body language. Many people start fidgeting consciously or unconsciously during conversations or in interactions with people.

The movements such as touching the nose, face, or other parts of the body are a sign of low confident body language.

Fidgeting, for some people may be habitual but many people do fidget when they are nervous or uncomfortable.

If you have a habit of fidgeting, you can realize that it doesn’t connect you with people properly.

To have confident body language, when you start fidgeting, immediately you have to say to yourself to stop fidgeting for a good conversation.


8. Confident Posture

Overall confident body posture makes your body language confident.

The way you stand or sit plays an important role in having good body language.

For example, individuals with shoulders down are a sign of low body language.

Aligning your shoulders with your head can be helpful to have a confident posture and make you comfortable in conversations.

People with confident body language keep their heads up; they look up rather than down. And this way they look different and unique.

According to Lilian Glass, a body language expert, always keep your head up. She further says confident people always look up; they don’t look here and there.


9. Handshake

How do you do handshakes? Is your handshake weak? It is important to know how you shake hands with people.

The handshake can help you to understand the body language and personality of others.

Shaking hands with someone confidently is a sign of confident body language.

It says a lot about the body language of an individual. It is a good way to create the first impression when meeting people.

Generally speaking, if a person’s handshake is strong it means s/he wants to dominate. And on other hand, if a handshake is weak it means s/he is submissive.

A firm handshake paves a way for effective communication and interaction with people. A firm handshake means neither a strong nor a weak handshake, or in other words, shaking hand comfortably.


10. Nodding and Mirroring

Nodding can play an important role in engaging with others. It connects you well when you nod because it shows you’re comfortable and paying attention to the person.

In conversations, nod when you agree with someone, but avoid too much nodding. Too much nodding can be spoiling for communication.

People with great body language know how to mirror others during conversations.

Mirroring means coping, or imitating someone’s body language. It helps you to show that you’re listening actively to that person.

Mirroring may include, mirroring sitting position, standing, hands’ movements, or feet’s position.

It may also include the speed of talking. Mirroring the speed of talking of the person in front of you can be effective.


Final Thoughts

Mastering confident body language is necessary for your private as well as professional life.

Body language is non-verbal communication and that is more effective than verbal communication.

A good thing about body language is that with a conscious effort you can improve.

I believe the techniques and ways in this article can help you to have confident body language.


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There are four phases of body language





Behaviors of body lang


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