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Describe Several Guidelines for Building Self Confidence

Describe Several Guidelines for Building Self Confidence

This article is about to describe several guidelines for building self confidence. Self confidence is an essential factor to achieve what you want in life. It makes you extraordinary and outstanding.

In everyday life, if you observe people talk a lot about self confidence. But, it is very rare to discuss how to build self confidence.

The important thing about confidence is that, we don’t born with low or high self confidence, but it develops and improves over time.

It depends on many factors such as your parents, environment, schooling and education background etc.

It is not fixed. It doesn’t mean once you build confidence, it will be same forever. This perception is wrong.

Your level of self confidence can vary from situation to situation. In some situations you may be feeling less confident but in other situations you may be very confident.

It helps you in many ways to overcome problems and challenges in life. It also helps you to cope with stress and anxiety.

Confident people also face challenges and problems but they confident about their selves to deal with effectively.

You also need self confidence at work. Many people can’t excel in their professional life because they lack confidence. It can hold you back in workplace from achieving full potential.

What are the tips for building self confidence? In this article I shared the self confidence tips to build and improve it. There are many ways and tips to build your confidence.

Describe Several Guidelines for Building Self Confidence

Ways of Building Self Confidence

Self confidence can be developed and anyone can be confident. There are several ways to build your confidence. It needs to cultivate positive attitude.

Here are the strategies to improve and build self confidence:

1. Know Yourself

The most powerful way to build self confidence is to know yourself very well.

Before you discover the world, you must discover yourself. Self discovery is the most important and powerful thing you can do for a successful life.

Self discovery means to know yourself, your weaknesses, your strengths, your emotions.

The more you know yourself the more you become confident. The most effective way is to prepare a list, where you;

-write down your strengths and weaknesses
-try further to polish one of your strength
-try to work on one of your weakness

When you write down on a piece of paper it becomes quite easy to focus on your weak and strong areas. This way you convert your weaknesses into your strengths.

It gives you confidence because you know your strong areas of your life. You feel more confident about your strengths.

You can use your strengths to take advantage and also they will help you to exercise your confidence.

You also have to work on your weak areas of your life. You must know your weak areas that are very important for self awareness.

Confidence people embrace their weaknesses and they use them for self development and motivation.

As you convert more and more weaknesses into your strengths, you become more confident.

The bottom line is self awareness and that is the seed you sow inside. As, self confidence begins within.

2. Positive Mindset

Your mind is the first place where everything begins. Thoughts start from mind, they become words, words become actions, and actions become habits.

In order to boost up your confidence you must take care of your mind. Positive mindset leads to higher confidence.

In many cases people lose confidence while facing life’s challenges and tough situations, because they look them from negative perspective.

Positive mindset changes your perspective to face and deal with problems. When you see problems with positive perspective it reduces stress level and makes you confident.

It is a common experience that positive thinkers are confident people. If you fall into negative thinkers’ category, then you must transform yourself from negative thinker to positive ones.

You can do this by conscious effort. Changing your mindset can be tough, but not impossible.

Self talk is important to consider in this context. Positive self talk will help you to build your self confidence.

You must understand how and what you talk to yourself. Negative self talk can be destructive. It will make you less confident.

Positive self talk will lead you to higher self confidence. The more positive self talk you do, the more confident you become.

3. Knowledge

When it comes to self confidence it is almost impossible to ignore the importance of knowledge.

Knowledge is power. When you have knowledge general or specialised, you have a lot to say that is useful which really leads you to build high self confidence.

Confident people prefer knowledge and wisdom, and that make them prominent and confident.

How the motivational speakers motivate people? All motivational speakers have knowledge. They use the power of knowledge to motivate and encourage people to take decisions and actions.

Knowledge is one of the prerequisites that lead you success and confidence. It not only makes you confident but also helps you to become a prominent person.

Remember, the knowledge must lead to confidence not to arrogance.
It needs a learning attitude. The more you gain knowledge the more you become confident.

“Self Confidence is the composition of two things, first knowledge, and second the ability to convey that knowledge, says Napoleon Hill”.

4. Self esteem

Your self esteem is correlated to your self confidence. High the self esteem high the self confidence. And low self esteem leads to low self confidence.

It can play an essential role for building your self confidence. High self esteem gives you the strength to face challenges.

Self esteem means how you feel about yourself. It is your own sense of personal value. This consists of two elements, one is self respect and the other is self efficacy.

Self respect or self worth refers to your overall feelings about personal value. Which means you deserve respect and worthwhile.

Self efficacy means how you can face life’s challenges. The abilities you have to tackle problems.

So, self esteem refers, you deserve respect and have capabilities to cope with difficulties.

If you have higher self esteem, your self confidence will be higher. The first one is directly connected to the second one.

5. Freedom from Others’ Validation

If you want to build self confidence, you must free yourself from others’ validation or justification.

Don’t be captive of the people’s approvals. You should consider what is important for you and which makes you feel good and helps you to boost up your self confidence.

People’s validation can affect your self esteem and self confidence. Sometimes, we value our self esteem by the value which is given by other people.

If you know yourself well then you don’t need the approval of other people. When you stop considering people’s validation, it can help you to improve self confidence because you know who you are.

You must say to yourself, I don’t need anyone’s approval, I know my worth. Don’t let the value which is given by other people to affect your self esteem and confidence.

6. Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

You must understand that you are unique and you have no comparison with anyone in the world.

If you compare yourself with others, this will only make you stressed and frustrated. It will lead you to low confidence.

You should compare yourself with one person and that person is you. Start comparing your today with your yesterday.

Compare your today’s progress with the progress of yesterday. Compare your present improvement with past.

When you compare yourself with other people, there always be someone better than you. And that comparison will make you less confident.

To have real self confidence you should avoid comparing yourself with other people.

7. Praise Yourself

How do you feel when someone praise or appreciate you? Naturally, it feels good when we hear words of appreciation or compliments.

Do you praise yourself? You can praise yourself for small and big achievements and success.

You must give credit to yourself for win or success, you have experienced in your life.

When you appreciate yourself, it makes you feel positive and gives you motivation. That motivation boosts up your self confidence.

Recognising and appreciating your achievements is a healthy way of contribution to your self confidence.

8. Learning and Improving Skills That Matter

One way of building self confidence is, to improve your skills set. You must master the skills which are important for you.

The skills already you have, you can polish and improve them to a mastery level. This will give a boost to your self confidence.

If you think your skills set is not enough, you should learn some new skills by investing your time.

Learning new things and skills are a great source of self confidence. Confident people learn and improve skills that matter the most.

9. Your Physical Health

Your physical health matters. If you mentally strong enough and confident, but physically not in good health it can lower you confidence level.

Physical and mental health of human beings is correlated and interconnected. They affect each other.

You will not be confident if the relationship between mental and physical health is bad.

You must proud of your body image. If your physical appearance is good it will boost up your confidence.

You can do exercise to make yourself physically strong and energetic. This will lead you to high level of confidence.

Final Thoughts

Building self confidence can be tough because it is an ongoing process. You will have to keep improving it.

These are the best ways to build self confidence, as I explained in this article.
Remember just reading these guidelines are not enough, rather you have to put into practice.

You can practice them on daily basis, and as you practice you will see your confidence level improving.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you build confidence?
Tips for building self confidence, I explained in this article you can follow them to build confidence.

What are the factors that affect self confidence?
There are many factors that affect self confidence such as, your parents, environment/society, schooling, friends etc.

What are self confidence examples?
Self confidence examples are, the way you communicate, your body language, gestures, eye contact etc.

How do you build self confidence in a child?
Become a role model for child, don’t be very strict, give reasonable freedom, help them to try and learn new things etc.

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