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The Miracle Morning Book Summary

The Miracle Morning Book Summary

Here, I represented The Miracle Morning Book Summary. The book is written by Hal Elrod. He articulated morning habits that can make any person successful and happy.

The morning habits are important and effective. Your morning routines have a huge impact on your success and every area of your life.

The author says how you start your day affects your level of success in all your areas of your life.

If you want happy and fulfilling life then your morning routine is the best place to start.

You must dedicate some time every morning to personal development that will help you to adopt better habits. Good and positive habits will lead you to a successful and extraordinary life.

As Hal Elrod says, the key to claim success is to dedicate time each day to your development.

Many successful people wake up early in the morning, before 8 am. They start their day when others are sleeping. That habit makes them successful.

The author faced so many challenges in his life. He had a car accident and in that accident he was badly injured.

He had been declared dead by the doctors, but after 6 minutes they realised that actually he was not.

He was told by the doctors it will not be possible for you to walk due severe injuries. But, he proved them wrong.

He not only  walked but he participated in marathon race. Then he became a successful person and a keynote speaker.

Also in financial crisis 2007-08 he had financial challenges. Which he said was more difficult than the car accident.

The Miracle Morning Book Summary

Before to go into the main theme of this book it worth to mention author’s 5 steps snooze proof wake up strategy.

Step 1; set your intention before bed

It means to go to bed with positive frame of mind. Always think positive about your next day.

Step 2; move your alarm clock across the room

It means that you have to distance your alarm clock from you. It will make you moving from your bed and will make you take some steps.

Step 3; brush your teeth

Brushing your teeth in the early morning will make you feel good.

Step 4; drink a full glass of water

Elrod says, you start your day with a glass of water. It makes your body hydrated and energetic.

Step 5; get dressed or jump in the shower

After that you immediately get dressed to do exercise or do a shower that will give you some freshness.

How the author Hal Elrod became a successful person after facing challenges in his life?

The author cultivated 6 morning habits of successful people that changed his life and he became an extraordinary person.

These habits are simple but effective; if you follow and implement them they can change your life as well.

The author formed an acronym that he called ‘The Life S.A.V.E.R.S’.

These are six practices guaranteed to make you successful and extraordinary.

According to author life is composition of four elements such as physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

To be successful you will have to improve all aspects of life. And this acronym is to help you to achieve your goals.

In this acronym every word has meaning and explanation. I summarised as below;

S.A.V.E.R.S----S is for Silence

S.A.V.E.R.S----A is for Affirmations

S.A.V.E.R.S----V is for Visualisation

S.A.V.E.R.S----E is for Exercise

S.A.V.E.R.S----R is for Reading

S.A.V.E.R.S----S is for Scribing

S is for Silence

In this acronym alphabet S stands for silence. According to the author this may be the most significant areas for improvement for our noisy, fast-paced, and over-stimulated life styles.

The silence means a purposeful silence. The author says, it means that you are engaging yourself in a period of silence with a high beneficial purpose in mind.

Staying silent for a moment increases your mental focus. It reduces stress level.

When you start your day with peace of mind, calm and clarity it allows you to stay focus on what is important in your life.

The silence may be in different forms such as prayer, meditation, deep breath, reflection or gratitude.

Many of us when they wake up in the morning they start thinking about different things like about life, problems, work and many other different stuff.

A lot of people start looking at mobile phones. These things can make you stressed and frustrated.

With purposeful silence in the morning, you take control of your mind and it reduces stress level.

When you control your mind and thoughts you take control of your life. And that leads to a successful life.

A is for Affirmations

A, it stands for affirmations. Affirmations are the words you say to yourself. If these words are positive they have a positive impact on your life.

Talking to oneself in a positive way is a powerful technique. It makes you stronger and confident.

According to author, affirmations are one of the most effective tools to become a person you need to be to achieve everything you want in your life.

It allows you to design and then develop the mindset that helps you to take the different aspects of your life to the next level.

Every one of us has internal dialogue. This normally refers as self-talk. Your self-talk has huge influences on your success level in every aspects of your life.

Your affirmations can work for or against you. It depends on how you use them.

If your affirmations are not consciously designed they will work against you. Or if they are actively designed and articulated they will leave positive impressions on your subconscious mind.

If you want yourself to be successful and confident then you can write three things;

Who you want to be?

What you want to accomplish?

How are you going to accomplish it?

When you repeat these to yourself, your subconscious mind will start to believe and that will be a move towards success.

V is for Visualisation

Visualising yourself as a successful and confident person is a powerful technique.

Extraordinary people have this habit in common. The author included this in the morning rituals to visualise oneself everyday as an extraordinary person.

It also refers a mental rehearsal of what you want to become in life. Author says, it is the practice of seeking to generate positive results by using your imagination to create mental pictures.

This technique is frequently used by athletes to increase their performance. It is the process of imagining what exactly you want to achieve.

Many highly successful people advocated the use of visualisation. They claimed that it played a vital role in their success.

You must align your affirmations with your visualisation. You have to follow these steps; get ready yourself, visualise what you really want, and visualise who you want to be and what you need to do.

In nutshell, visualisation is a video, and affirmation is an audio.

E is for Exercise

Exercise as a habit in the morning makes you physically strong. It enhances your energy.

As author says, exercise for few minutes in the morning boosts your energy, improves your health and self-confidence, and emotional well-being.

Exercise in the morning not only makes you stronger physically but mentally as well.

It helps to maintain high level of energy throughout the day. Early morning exercise can help you to improve your life in many ways.

Author says if you want to maintain good health and increase your energy, it is important to do exercise consistently.

You must incorporate exercise in your miracle morning.

R is for Reading

This is the fifth practice in the life S.A.V.E.R.S. It can help you to transform any area of your life.

There is one habit that is very common in all successful and highly effective is habit of reading books.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many others, they all read books. It is one of the most immediate methods for acquiring knowledge, ideas, and strategies to achieve success.

Books are the sources of wisdom and knowledge. You can learn the experiences of successful people by reading books.

Whatever is your area of concern and you want to improve, you can find books for that.

You want to improve your relationships, increase self-confidence, improve communication skills, want to become rich, and other areas of life, you can find books that can help to learn and improve skills.

Reading books can be boring. The author recommends 10 pages daily and that can make a huge difference at the end of the year. With that small habit you can almost read 18 books a year on average.

If you read 18 books of personal development, you will be more knowledgeable, capable, and confident.

S is for Scribing

This is the last but not least practice of miracle morning. Scribing means writing your thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper.

Author says, it helps to document your insights, ideas, realisation, success, and lessons learned and areas of opportunities, and personal growths.

You can spare some minutes for writing your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. When you write them on a paper in black and white, they become clear and easy to follow.

Some people call it morning pages, some people call it journal. The author also maintained a daily journal.

The author divided his journal in two parts. One is lessons learned and other is new commitments.

In the first part what is already achieved and in the second part what is still to be improved. What should be learned new and what should be done next.

This method helped the author in a great way. He was grateful for what he achieved.

He mentioned the benefits of scribing;

-Gain Clarity

-Capture Ideas

-Review Lessons

-Acknowledge Your Progress


If you want to be successful, then you will have to wake up early in the morning. As the title of the book is, transform your life before 8 am.

I believe these habits can change your life in a great manner. Successful people do much before 8 am, than most people do throughout the day.

It seems difficult to cultivate these habits, but when you start your journey it will become an integral part of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the miracle morning routine?

The author of the book Hal Elrod created miracle morning 6 habits or routines that can change life of any person.

What does SAVERS stand for in Miracle Morning?
The acronym SAVERS stands for silence, affirmations, visualisation, exercise, reading, and scribing.

How do you do miracle morning affirmations?
I choose to be happy for today at least, and I will achieve my life purpose. These are my affirmations.

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